It's day 2 of my 7 day challenge which is the hardest part day 1 is always a breeze but the next you want it to be all over with already or at least that's me. Here's the picture again in case you didn't read my blog from yesterday.
Like I said on my first day I infuse my water with lemons or limes sometimes both. I love citrus fruit but where I have epilepsy I can't have grapefruit so I'm a little limited. Like I was saying the second day is hard or at least it is for me when it comes to the bread and sweets. This is the first time I'll be doing this challenge with my husband in the house. Like I've said in previous posts his job took hi,outta town before we moved. So this is going to be interesting road making 2 or 3 different meals when my husband wants red meat since Gabe doesn't always always like the texture of ground meat. So let the fun begin.
This my what I call carb chart or Flour Chart I love it when it comes to low carb or paleo meals. It's been a big help to me. Now I know I completely went from one subject to a completely different one and I'm sorry about that but I felt like I was rambling on and on.
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