I might be leaving my wonderful job and being a stay at home mom again. I don't know if I want to go back to my home town and live with my husband's friend. I know being an adult sucks but I know I have to do what I have to do. On the bright side, I can get chickens.
Okay I'm not going to lie to you guys I'm not a fan of the idea but when you can't pay your bills and your credit is turning to crap. You got to do things you don't want to I don't want to be a freeloader by moving in with his friend. I know I could probably sell some eggs once I get my chickens started but also I'm going to have to figure out some guideline rules when it comes to them. I say them because I don't feel like having 2 husbands I've lived with this friend before and I know what he's like. I'm not blaming him but I'm not agreeing to this idea. I got to do what keeps food on the table for my child and if that means I have to make a meal that feeds 6 people I'll do it, do I want to go back to my home town.
I don't want to feel like I'm under my mom's thumb again. This is stressing me out so much that I'm having seizures. I fight for you guys you, help me you give me a purpose I have a reason to fight just knowing that my words could make an impact on someone's life. Knowing that people who don't have epilepsy but their children so I can help them understand. I have a purpose that's all I want is to have a meaning in life.
Feeling accepted online it may sound sad but my depression gets me sometimes I love you, people. I know I don't have many followers but to those who read my posts, I say thanks for giving me a purpose. You are the best in your own way you make me a better person. (Wow sounds like I might get down on one knee and ask to marry me) With all that said have a good day I'll talk to you later.
Amanda Rost
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
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