Husbands.....or Men...
So in a relationship, you fight like most healthy relationships or they're considered healthy. I fight with my husband at least once a month we have a big fight a blow out is what I call it. Sometimes I end up throwing things at him but once the air is cleared we find ourselves making up. I like to look up random facts when I'm bored which ended up leading me to this post here I'm making. So here it is40% of women have hurled footwear at a man
This honestly made me laugh and think about some of the stuff I've thrown at my husband which I've never thrown a shoe at him. I don't know the studies behind it cause I just Google random facts and click on random websites I don't remember which one this came from but I thought some of you might like it.
In all seriousness fighting is never fun with or without Epilepsy I know it throws me into a fit of seizures every now and again it just depends how serious the fight gets. I love my husband wouldn't trade him for the world I might use the Klondike bar joke if you were to ask me in person but I love him and would not give him up for a Klondike Bar (Even though they are amazing) The best thing to remember when you do fight with you man is you may not be happy with them and not like them at the moment but you still love them I know it sounds stupid but so does being told don't go to sleep angry at each other I've gone to bed angry at him multiple times he's slept out on the couch a few times but in the morning when I wake up I'm calmed down and we can talk about it if it occurs to me at all. Some people say don't storm of when fighting well there is another thing that I haven't listened to as well I walk off all the time so I can cool off and be able to listen and talk (I'm a hot head but so is he) In all honesty this is the only thing that's kept me stable to stay is that I love him so much I couldn't bare the thought to be without him.
Amanda Rost
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
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