I'm sorry I've been away again I've just been so busy packing.......I know I have to do what I have to do for my child......I'm a mom I gotta do what's right for my kid. So we are moving in with my husband's friend.....I'm not amused. The only exciting part is there is an advertisement job opening I would love to get this job. Designing Ads would be a dream to me I love talking to you guys and knowing that I have a support system that most people don't get the chance to have you lovelies are amazing there might not be many of you.
I have one photo that I would like to show you since I have my laptop working again I wanna share some of my work. This is a picture one of my friends took of me I ended up just adding a filter and an older camera glare stamp. I love this picture of me I do need to take some new photos of myself not just because this was a senior picture but also because I chopped off my hair.
I guess this post was kinda pointless but I guess I was hoping for a confidence boost from you peoples. I don't like being those people who post please pray for me or please keep me in your thoughts. With packing and applying for a new job one that I really, really want I need some confidence. I know I come across confident everyone knows and again on here but honestly, my self-esteem is horrible. Don't bother calling me pretty or don't say that you look lovely I'm not thirsty. Just having a baby changes you so much mentally and physically.

I have to post my good luck picture Tiger Lilies my grandma grew them she was my good luck charm and gave me confidence. This is her symbol to me I have a tattoo of a tiger lily on my ankle for her I don't mean to send a depressive message so I guess I'll leave everything here before I get too deep in thought.

I guess this post was kinda pointless but I guess I was hoping for a confidence boost from you peoples. I don't like being those people who post please pray for me or please keep me in your thoughts. With packing and applying for a new job one that I really, really want I need some confidence. I know I come across confident everyone knows and again on here but honestly, my self-esteem is horrible. Don't bother calling me pretty or don't say that you look lovely I'm not thirsty. Just having a baby changes you so much mentally and physically.

I have to post my good luck picture Tiger Lilies my grandma grew them she was my good luck charm and gave me confidence. This is her symbol to me I have a tattoo of a tiger lily on my ankle for her I don't mean to send a depressive message so I guess I'll leave everything here before I get too deep in thought.
Amanda Rost
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
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