There are people who are going to try and knock you down in life and then the ones who will help pick you up. As strange as it sounds you need both types of people in your life like this. The ones who knock you down are teaching you some form of a lesson the one who picks you up is teaching you how to get through it. Embrace the good and the bad in life and own it. Being confident isn't as easy as it sounds but, are you let people beat you down you'll never reach that level.

I'm still working on getting to that level it's a hard goal to reach. I own probably about 10 or more self-help books and I've noticed something they either say the same thing or turn to God (Which isn't my religion) it's like a pattern. I'll probably keep wasting my money on them because there are parts that differ from each other. I'm going to take those parts that differ and apply them all together and who knows maybe one day I'll have my own self-help book. I'm giving out advice one here and what do I have to lose on publishing a book.
Nothing that's what.
Honestly, the best self-help book I've ever read is You Are A Badass. It's become one of my all-time favorite books. (Besides Stardust) I love this book I own a copy and have it on Audible I've both read it and listened to it. Non-Fiction and Fiction books are my paradise reading about people who changed the world in real life or someone who saves it in some made up place. In these type of books, there is both type of people I was talking about they get pushed down by someone and then helped get back up and make some form of great change.
I guess a lesson from these is you can't always do everything alone. You need family or friends, someone, to support you. You can take on a life all by yourself and get pushed down and pull yourself up again and then repeat. There is also the choice of getting pushed down then having someone help you up until you're ready to go at it alone.

I'm still working on getting to that level it's a hard goal to reach. I own probably about 10 or more self-help books and I've noticed something they either say the same thing or turn to God (Which isn't my religion) it's like a pattern. I'll probably keep wasting my money on them because there are parts that differ from each other. I'm going to take those parts that differ and apply them all together and who knows maybe one day I'll have my own self-help book. I'm giving out advice one here and what do I have to lose on publishing a book.
Nothing that's what.
Honestly, the best self-help book I've ever read is You Are A Badass. It's become one of my all-time favorite books. (Besides Stardust) I love this book I own a copy and have it on Audible I've both read it and listened to it. Non-Fiction and Fiction books are my paradise reading about people who changed the world in real life or someone who saves it in some made up place. In these type of books, there is both type of people I was talking about they get pushed down by someone and then helped get back up and make some form of great change.
I guess a lesson from these is you can't always do everything alone. You need family or friends, someone, to support you. You can take on a life all by yourself and get pushed down and pull yourself up again and then repeat. There is also the choice of getting pushed down then having someone help you up until you're ready to go at it alone.
Amanda Rost
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
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