Depression let's talk about that
When the chemicals in your brain aren't functioning the way it should. There are many signs of it, in multiple different ways. For example, I know my depression is coming back when I notice I stop taking care of myself like makeup and as gross as it may sound washing my hair. I stop caring about myself I stop being the so-called fun-loving person that my friends know.

It's crazy to think that people think about me that way, it's crazy that people are able to fall in love with me. I find it crazy that people can care about me. I'm here to talk about the truth and if you feel like this it's okay, it's okay. It's okay because believe it or not you're not alone and honestly you probably have someone close to you going through the same thing. Honestly just like epilepsy depression is not talked about as much as it should be.
Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not a disorder.
Depression doesn't come alone sadly it has a friend that comes with it called anxiety. Now while depression gets you while you least expect it. Anxiety comes at any time it feels like, you know those unwanted guests that just shows up at your house uninvited, not really wanted at your house, the ones that don't understand socially ques. You know who I"m talking about.
I'd be lying if I said writing this I didn't have tears in my eyes. This is a struggle in my life and I want to share it with you because I know deep down I'm not the only one going through this. I love my readers and I want you to know me that's why I'm writing my self-help book I'm hoping that it can help at least one person. I'm not looking to be the next New Yorks next top seller I'm looking to be a person someone can say thank you too. Just receiving something like your blog helped me or your book helped me.

Sleep can be a temporary escape, sadly it's not a permanent one. I go and talk to someone weekly because I know I need the help to the people who know they need help but refuse to do it please I know it's hard to accept it. I even wrote on how hard it was for me to accept it
click here if you want to see how hard it was for me.
Amanda Rae
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
Twitter : @EpilepticMomAR
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