Relationships......I probably shouldn't even touch this subject cause I'm still figuring my love life out but one thing I have come to learn is everybody is different. Now, this might sound crazy but I hate the fact that I don't argue a lot with my boyfriend he's so laid back when it comes to stuff which in my mind the mind of a woman makes me think he's not serious he doesn't care and on and on. I'll probably but a section on relationships in my book and that's one reason I've fallen behind on my posts. Putting that aside I still am working on myself I'm calling my best friend daily and then all of a sudden she says those magic words "Amanda you are over thinking this." and boom I'm back down to earth I don't know what I'd do without her.
If you know my past on my marriage you pretty much already know her's that's why she's one of the greatest people in my life. I don't have to explain what I mean she just knows and it goes the same way for her too. We don't have to explain what we mean we just know. That's not all that we have in common when it comes to her boyfriend and my boyfriend there's similarities it's almost scary. She's been helping me through my ups and downs my overthinking when it comes to my relationship. Mainly when I go to her it's......well there is no in-between it's either I'm overthinking or I need to have a sit-down.
I would do anything to keep the level of happiness I have right now. One thing I have learned is not to bottle things up inside. I'm glad that I'm finally in a relationship that we can talk and not fight it's amazing to me and almost hard to believe.
Amanda Rae
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
Twitter : @EpilepticMomAR
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