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I decided to do something different and ask a guest writer to write an article since I couldn't figure out how to touch this topic even though I talk about it and live with it.

For many, epilepsy is a health challenge that’s meant to be borne in isolation. While that the notion appears to be self-preservative on the first glance – if no one knows about your condition, you’re sheltered from the prying (and judgmental) eyes of the public – in reality, it is counterproductive and not to mention dangerous. Concealing epilepsy is a perilous practice that almost always leads to isolation, secrecy anti-social behavior, and social deprivation amongst other things.
You have to stay positive despite the odds and the first step in staying positive is accepting the fact that Epilepsy is part of who you are. That’s nothing to be ashamed of if anything it’s something you should be proud of – despite the odds you’re where you are today, waning stronger and best still you’re not alone.
Epilepsy affects about 50 million people globally. In the US alone nearly 3 a million adults & 470k children live with the condition, but for its high prevalence, epilepsy is still shrouded in an air of mystery. Demystifying the illness and raising awareness about it starts with you. How much do you know about epilepsy? How vocal are you about awareness and what measures are you putting in place to educate others? When you have the correct answers to these questions you’re not only equipping yourself to overcome the limitations brought about by epilepsy; you’re also laying the foundation for other patients to live a stress-free life. This article is a premier on what you need to do to set this mechanism in motion
  • Knowledge is key
Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition with several physical and psychosocial consequences. Emphasis on psychosocial, while the landmark characterization of epilepsy is often regarded to be seizures, epilepsy usually mediates the development of certain neurological disorders that can then precipitate into psychosocial problems.
Seizures fall into the physical group of consequences and with them comes the risk of injury, hospitalization and even death. That said, the often overlooked psychological aspect of epilepsy also poses a threat to the health and wellbeing of affected individuals. Research has shown that people living with epilepsy are at risk of settling for social isolation and self-confinement. In addition, they’re also reported to have below standard levels of education, higher unemployment rates and in some cases have trouble finding a partner.
In truth, however, the burden of epilepsy patients go past these simple definitions. For many patients, epilepsy has translated into living a life of fear – fear that the condition is only going to get worse, fear of the future unpredictability that comes with epilepsy, fear of raising kids, fear of the hereditary consequences of the disease In fact, per one study of individuals living with epilepsy, fear, and uncertainty both of which manifest as anxiety and depression were the most consequential issues affecting the quality of their lives
The good news is that with the right information at hand the severity of these complications can be reduced to an almost null value. Most episodes of epileptic seizures are triggered by specific circumstances that vary from one individual to another. Knowing what predisposes you to seizures is the first step towards preventing future occurrence and improving your quality of living. Drugs also go a long way in reducing the frequency and extent of epileptic episodes. If you’ve been officially diagnosed with the condition chances are that you’re already on some medication. It’s imperative that you religiously adhere to the dosage requirement. Don’t skip doses and by all means, never quit on your medication without express approval from your physician.
Furthermore, understand that depression and anxiety is a common offset of epilepsy. With one in three epilepsy patients developing depression at some point, there’s a chance that you might as well come down with depression. But, as we’ve already reiterated that’s to be expected, the key here is to tackle the problem head-on instead of brooding and allowing it to escalate further. Ask yourself these questions; am I happy? What are the factors hindering my happiness? Is it my fears, or anxiety, or am I depressed because of my epilepsy? When you narrow down the root cause of the problem and the impact it has on your psychological health, it becomes even easier to seek professional help. Remember, seeking support and actively working to improve your overall health is part and parcel of the journey towards living a happy and fulfilled life with epilepsy.
Finally, Information is also the key to addressing the psychosocial consequences borne by people living with epilepsy. Many stigmatize PWE without realizing that epilepsy is an incommunicable condition that can be managed to a practically asymptomatic state. According to the WHO, with the right treatment, nearly 70% of individuals living with epilepsy can live seizure-free. This is where you need to cultivate your inner spirit of advocacy. People need to know that epilepsy is very far from being a death sentence. Employers need to know that while you might be vulnerable in certain circumstances, you’re not by any means incapable of fulfilling your duties and completing set tasks. Take the time out to talk about epilepsy on social media. Sign up for and participate actively in epilepsy groups. Overall, show the world that while it can be sometimes challenging, living life as someone with epilepsy is no less fun and fulfilling.
By wirte_aritst

Amanda Rae
Instagram : @EpilepticMom

Twitter : @EpilepticMomAR


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