I know everyone needs to rant every now and then I regret yesterday so much it's ridiculous. I thought of taking the post down but, if I do that I might forget that I did it and do it again. So it's going to stay up if you don't know what I'm talking about my Mother Inlaw post. I'm going to leave it up so I know my mistakes and so I know not to do it again.
Saying that and you peoples know I don't like to talk politics but that's why I think we should leave our civil war statues alone. Yes, slavery is over but if we hide our past and future generations don't know about it there is a possibility of history repeating. Before people start calling me a white privileged women quick reminder before the Atlantic Slave Trade there was the Barbary Slave Trade. Now if some of my facts are off I apologize but my point is our ancestors did bad things or suffered bad things.
I'm not trying to make this topic seem happy I just want people to remember and also reminder slavery is still going on to this day Modern Slave Trade or Contemporary Slavery whichever you want to call it. It's still bad now I know I'm using Wikipedia for my sources but I will find other sources as well.
America used to be one of the greatest countries in the world. Well, truth be told it's not anymore we aren't and what we are ranked #2 for Ignorance but don't worry we are ranked 1st in for one thing know I myself am not proud of this but we are ranked 1st in Incarceration. Now I could go on and on but instead of that, I'll just give you this link. I'm sorry if I came across pissy but I don't care. I don't like touching politics because everyone gets offended so easily I had a conversation with my mom and she made the comment and I quote
The so-called feminist my generation has created I don't even know if I want to touch that because they say they want Equality but the movement most of them make, makes them sound like they want to be superior to men. This third wave of feminism has gotten out of hand I'm a woman and I don't feel suppressed because I'm not. I'm not saying I don't agree with everything but when you have women when you have things like this going on where men have to be careful when they talk to women in general. That's just horrible Rape is no joke she ruined a mans life he was harassed if you're the self is raped it ruins your life I know people that have been raped it's not something to put on people.
I'm going to get real here for a second the problem isn't race, equality, and gender. The problem is there is no more morality in the U.S.A. Before everything started going downhill we had morals we respected each other. There is an Importance of Morality that is just one I found I could go on and on about what's wrong with society today but I'm not going to. I'm not going to put a "Trigger Warning" because I shouldn't have to if you don't like what you're reading today stop. I love you, peoples, you are lovely and just know someone out there does care.
Other Sources:
Modern Slavery
Saying that and you peoples know I don't like to talk politics but that's why I think we should leave our civil war statues alone. Yes, slavery is over but if we hide our past and future generations don't know about it there is a possibility of history repeating. Before people start calling me a white privileged women quick reminder before the Atlantic Slave Trade there was the Barbary Slave Trade. Now if some of my facts are off I apologize but my point is our ancestors did bad things or suffered bad things.
I'm not trying to make this topic seem happy I just want people to remember and also reminder slavery is still going on to this day Modern Slave Trade or Contemporary Slavery whichever you want to call it. It's still bad now I know I'm using Wikipedia for my sources but I will find other sources as well.
America used to be one of the greatest countries in the world. Well, truth be told it's not anymore we aren't and what we are ranked #2 for Ignorance but don't worry we are ranked 1st in for one thing know I myself am not proud of this but we are ranked 1st in Incarceration. Now I could go on and on but instead of that, I'll just give you this link. I'm sorry if I came across pissy but I don't care. I don't like touching politics because everyone gets offended so easily I had a conversation with my mom and she made the comment and I quote
"I don't dare hug anyone because I could get sued"It's touch and goes on showing a personal affection now because someone could get offended and say that you touched them inappropriately. I don't even want to be a part of my generation because I'm embarrassed to be born in 1995. Sadly I'm apart of the Millennial Generation but here's a news flash I'm not self-absorbed I know what's right and what's wrong I know if I want something I have to get a job and buy it myself. I don't deserve to be handed things and I'm not going to use my disability as an excuse. I'm a human being I have to earn what I have.
The so-called feminist my generation has created I don't even know if I want to touch that because they say they want Equality but the movement most of them make, makes them sound like they want to be superior to men. This third wave of feminism has gotten out of hand I'm a woman and I don't feel suppressed because I'm not. I'm not saying I don't agree with everything but when you have women when you have things like this going on where men have to be careful when they talk to women in general. That's just horrible Rape is no joke she ruined a mans life he was harassed if you're the self is raped it ruins your life I know people that have been raped it's not something to put on people.
I'm going to get real here for a second the problem isn't race, equality, and gender. The problem is there is no more morality in the U.S.A. Before everything started going downhill we had morals we respected each other. There is an Importance of Morality that is just one I found I could go on and on about what's wrong with society today but I'm not going to. I'm not going to put a "Trigger Warning" because I shouldn't have to if you don't like what you're reading today stop. I love you, peoples, you are lovely and just know someone out there does care.
Other Sources:
Modern Slavery
Amanda Rost
Instagram : @EpilepticMom
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