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Who Are You

Who are you can you answer that question. I know it's a hard one for me I think I know but I am unsure
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

Reading this quote makes me realize I don't real know who I am I know that I am a mother, a wife, a woman who love the country, someone who loves Asian cultures I also love Anime. That's what I know I don't even feel that describes who I am or what I am. Finding who you are is a journey it's self I don't get. Do I know exactly what Aristotle meant no I don't but I do, however know that Confucius said, 

"To know what you know and to know what you do not know is the mark of one who knows."
 They say pretty much the same thing in my opinion but here's my question can you turly know yourself. As Confucius said "you know what you do" those things I know about myself are what I do not who I am. I'm going to be honest with myself and you peoples I will never truly know myself it is one of the hardest things to learn but it's also like knowing everything as well that'll never happen. I'm not going to put you or myself down by saying you'll never know who you are but you will as you grow old. I will do so while being a mother, wife and person. No matter how much I try there is going to be something new about me everyday that I learn.

I love art I love to read I love to blog I love my husband there's so much I find out more about myself from my councilor. Not their opinion of me but of what I'm trying to say. So here's my quote next to these 2 great philosophers
"Do you turly achieve all wisdom while you change daily"


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